To collaborate with parents in the Education and Training of Children and Youngsters, through activities that occupy their Free Time in a Safe, Healthy and Fun way.
Committed to collaborating with parents and schools in the education and training of children and young people, Roda Viva proposes a diversified range of activities that provide participants with memorable experiences that will be remembered for life.
Valuing the personalization of programs, Roda Viva adapts the activities to the specificity of each group, taking into account the number of participants and companions, ages, occasion, interests, objectives to be reached, curricular program to be complemented, number of days, time of the year, means of transportation and location.
To collaborate with parents in the Education and Training of Children and Youngsters, through activities that occupy their Free Time in a Safe, Healthy and Fun way.
3 long-time friends thanks to Roda Viva
Maria do Carmo founded Roda Viva and established its principles and values
Many stories to tell in each edition of the Summer Camps.
Guaranteed Continuity of all work already developed.
There are no 5 star words. We will do it again next year, thanks for all the care and love. My son can't stop talking about the monitors Margarida(Maggie) Pedro and Joana. Bjs
My kids did the ATL of Bom Sucesso and loved it! Thanks to the team of monitors, all very sweet, very nice, the kids liked it very much and will be back in August!
A family, a second home... friends for life! Thank you Jacha, thank you Roda Viva!
Phone, Whatsapp, Messenger. +351 910 639 674
Send us an email, we will reply as soon as possible. ola@roda-viva.pt
Come by, come visit the space, get to know it. But let us know in advance because we may not be in.